Monday, 31 August 2020 | In Focus

If you are a BU member and want to receive in the post our free limited edition book about the story of the new stadium we need you to 'update your preferences' in our database. Here's how you do it.  
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There are currently 1,700 Bees United members and the total is going up every month. We promised members free gifts in return for your support and we are now delivering with  a free digital book ‘A Last Season To Remember, Every League Match in Brentford’s Farewell to Griffin Park Year’. That is available to all members to download now, all BU members have been sent details of how to do that.

Next up is our first hardback book about how Brentford fans ‘paved the way’ from Griffin Park to the new stadium at Lionel Road. So this is where we ask ALL members to check that their details are correct, with particular focus on their postal address. This is massively important as without a valid postal address you will not get the limited edition book that we are still planning on post out in the autumn.

The good news is that you can now review and update your details via the “Update Your Preferences” in the newsletter.. 

This link is also attached at the foot of every newsletter for future changes to members details.

By using the “Update Your Preferences” link you will access a Bees United webpage (see below) where you can request a secure link to be sent to your mail box from which you can gain direct access to your Name, E-mail and Postal Address details. If they are wrong and require changing, please do so and then press save.


Whilst our Membership and Technology Secretary, John Scott, has e-mailed almost 2,500 members, there are nearly 800 mails that have yet to be responded to and along with over 500 members who have never had an e-mail address.In the next phase of our development we will write to these members to try and make contact. So if you know of a neighbour or a friend who is a Bees fan, please ask them if they were a Bees United member and if they have not been getting Bees United communications recently but would like to reconnect, then please ask them to contact John Scott – johnscott935@btinternet.com or 07850 753010 and he will be pleased to help.

Finally, for all you “new” members, once this project has been completed, you will be allocated a four digit membership number. This will be communicated to you via your e-mail address
