Update on BU Membership Renewals

Friday, 1 November 2013 | In Focus

Just to update everybody on the latest position on New Membership Applications and the renewal of existing memberships.

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At the end of September we issued an invitation, together with a newsletter, to our existing
members, requesting them to renew their Bees United Trust Memberships.

As a result we have now completed the update of our membership data base records with renewals received, change of contact details, together with new membership applications and all applications that were submitted via this season’s Season Ticket renewals.

The new season’s membership card is now being ordered and we hope that these will be issued by the middle of November.

All cheque payments received have now been passed to our Treasurer for paying in, plus for those of you who completed a standing order payment form these also have been passed to the Treasurer for him to submit to the relevant bank.

The next piece of information you will receive will depend on the response to the request for
candidates for the Trust Board Election due to take place towards the end of the year. There are
three vacancies to be filled, if there are only three or less candidates standing then no election will take place. If that is the case then the next communication will be the Notice of the Trust AGM to be held on Saturday January 11 th (home to Port Vale) at 12 o’clock, venue to be decided.

Should an election be required to take place then voting papers will be issued towards the end of


Bruce Powell

Bees United Administration
