Three candidates affirmed by AGM

Wednesday, 2 February 2011 | In Focus

Three candidates standing for vacancies on the Bees United board were affirmed as directors by the Supporters’ Association’s 10th annual general meeting (AGM) last Saturday in The Hive at Griffin Park.  
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Three candidates standing for vacancies on the Bees United board were affirmed as directors by the Supporters’ Association’s 10th annual general meeting (AGM) last Saturday in The Hive at Griffin Park.

Chairman David Merritt and board member Donald Kerr – both non-executive directors of the football club – were re-elected to their roles, and David Carpenter joined the Bees United board for the first time. All three have been elected for three-year terms.

Stephen Callen, Bees United’s Treasurer and a former Club Director, decided not to stand for re-election. He had been on the Bees United board since he was elected at the Trust’s first Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 September 2001.

Stephen Dando resigned for personal reasons after two years on the Bees United board. Chairman David Merritt commented that Stephen had been a valuable asset to the Bees United board and thanked him for his contribution.

Stephen Callen’s support for Bees United had been unparalleled, David Merritt said. Stephen had served Bees United since its inception, and had even been prepared to guarantee a Bees United bank loan with his own house! “Stephen has our thanks and admiration,” David Merritt said.

A Bees supporter since the early 1940s, David Carpenter retired as a Senior Communications Officer with Surrey County Council. He hopes to contribute to Bees United in areas such as new stadium development, supporters’ interests and community engagement. His election statement can be viewed here.

The Bees United board now comprises David Carpenter, Mark Chapman, Trevor Inns, Donald Kerr, David Merritt, Mike Rice, Andre Sawyer and Greville Waterman.
