Society Board Meeting: Thursday 26 April

Tuesday, 24 April 2007 | In Focus

The next Society board meeting is on Thursday, 26th April, commencing at 7.15pm.  
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The next Society board meeting is on Thursday, 26th April, commencing at 7.15pm.

It is Bees United (BU) Policy that all its activities are transparent to members. BU members have the right to attend BU Board Meetings as observers, but they will be unable to attend the parts of the meeting that are deemed confidential by the BU Chairman, in accordance with the BU Board Meeting Attendance Guidelines for those not on the BU Board.

The "open" session of the meeting normally starts at 8.30pm. The agenda for this BU board meeting will be published tomorrow (Wednesday 25th). If you wish to attend, please email Society Secretary Chris Gammon ( at least 24 hours before the meeting.
