Report on the post match rally at Griffin Park

Saturday, 17 August 2002 | In Focus

About 1,000 Bees supporters stayed behind after the Oldham game at Griffin Park to listen to inspiring speeches outlining the seriousness of BFC`s current plight.  
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About 1,000 Bees supporters stayed behind after the Oldham game at Griffin Park to listen to inspiring speeches outlining the seriousness of BFC`s current plight.

Representing BEES UNITED, Steve Cowan emphasised the need for all fans to chip in what they could in the Trust's bid to rescue the club. Steve suggested many fans perhaps couldn't afford to pay £1,000 for a loan note, but that Standing Order mandates from a large percentage of fans would boost BEES UNITED's efforts substantially.

Cllr Luke Kirton, elected in Brentford Ward via Bees fans' ABeeC Campaign, sang the praises of Supporters-Direct, who this week emphasised that in the current climate the fans` voice was more important than ever before. Luke also called for more backing from Bees supporters.

Jon Bishop, representing BIAS, said that apathy could see the end of our wonderful club, and highlighted the urgency of the current situation. Jon said that we are rapidly facing a "now or never" scenario, and that if fans wanted BFC to survive – preferably without GP being sold prematurely – NOW is the time to back the Trust and get involved.

The message from all three speakers was loud and clear – BFC is on the brink of (a) selling Griffin Park or (b) Administration. While BEES UNITED is actively seeking to refinance the club and take up its option to buy the club, there are no guarantees that these efforts will produce imminent results, although the Trust will continue relentlessly to explore every possible solution. BEES UNITED will also do all in its power to prevent the sale of Griffin Park before a new site is secured.

Our thanks go to Steve, Luke and Jon for their efforts yesterday; and to BIAS for raising in excess of £1,400 for the Trust. Finally, we plan to send out membership cards and share certificates by the end of the month. Our apologies once again for the delay in getting these out. (holidays have played havoc with our planning).
