Q & A: September 2007

Thursday, 6 September 2007 | In Focus

The second in a series of monthly question and answers to the Bees United board.  
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This is the second in a series of monthly question and answers to the Bees United board.

Thank you to all those that have send their questions in so far. You can send in your questions to Mark Chapman at mark.chapman@beesunited.org.uk. The closing date for October's Q & A is on September 27. You do not have to be a Bees United member to ask a question.

From Peter Kaminski: When is action 79/6.4.2 ("A commitment to publish agendas at least 7 days before meetings and minutes within 7 days of them") going to be a reality?

The agenda part has been fulfilled once and is starting to fall back on its time commitment at the second time of asking and the minutes are non-existent.

(I worry when things can't even start out properly. I am heavy on correct, efficient and systematic administration as the platform to support all work, without this simple solid foundation I question what goes on above – this part is of course not part of the question merely personal opinion that has generated the question in the first place.)

Mark Chapman replies: The new “non confidential” version of minutes for the previous three meetings have all been published on time, so perhaps finding them may have been an issue.

However, I did fall short of posting the agenda for the meeting just gone, and that was solely down to me as the secretary had forwarded it in time and for that I apologise.

You will find that out of out the many trusts operating across the United Kingdom, Bees United gives its members good access to information in a timely and thorough manner. Not only that, Bees United members are allowed to observe the lion's share of any given board meeting.

The website is now one of the best under the Supporters' Direct banner, but we should not be complacent. We always welcome members' contributions and consult with them. Indeed the new deadlines for posting board meeting news to the Bees United was a result of such a process.
