Nominations date extended

Friday, 18 November 2011 | In Focus

The cut-off date for nominations for this year’s Bees United Board election has been extended to 25 November 2011.  
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The cut-off date for nominations for this year’s Bees United Board election has been extended to 25 November 2011.

Four Board places are available in the forthcoming election, and not three as stated in the recent mail out to members.

They arise from the retirement by rotation of Mark Chapman, Mike Rice and Andre Sawyer, and from the vacancy that was not filled at last year’s election.

Interested members are invited to nominate themselves as candidates for the election. All members over the age of 18 on 1 November 2011 are eligible. Additional information is available on this website:


If you would like to nominate yourself, please submit your full contact details, including your Bees United membership number, together with an election statement of not more than 500 words.

Nominations can be submitted either by email to here or by post to:

Elections, Bees United, Brentford Football Club, Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 0NT.
