New loan-note representative appointed

Tuesday, 24 November 2009 | In Focus

Attention all loan-note holders. The Bees United board needs to appoint a new loan-note representative.  
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Attention all loan-note holders. The Bees United board needs to appoint a new loan-note representative.

To date we have received one nomination from Trevor Mant. Attached below is a brief resumé provided by Trevor.
If anybody else is interested in putting their name forward, please contact Paul Stedman (07590 570298) or Chris Gammon (07743 897047).
Members who cannot attend the AGM on Thursday 26November are asked to return their proxy form as a matter of urgency.

Trevor Mant – brief resumé

I was born and brought up in Ealing but now live in Ruislip. My father  supported the Bees and went to GP in the thirties and saw the team rise through the divisions to the then old 1st division. He was always a regular supporter until his death last year.
I’ve been coming to GP since I was four, some 50 years ago. In the early 1960s my mum was actually Denis Pigott’s secretary at the club. In the school holidays I used to come into work with her and spend the day running around the stands whilst my elder brother actually took some kick around penalties against Gerry Cakebread. I have been a season ticket holder for some 20 years and subscribed for the original issue of loan notes.
My work experience is that I’ve spent over 35 years in banking and corporate treasury departments. For the last 20 years I been Group Treasurer of Slough Estates plc (now called SEGRO), the largest industrial property investment and development company in Europe.
During that time I have been personally responsible for raising the Group’s funding from both the bank and capital markets and for hedging the interest rate and currency risk thereon. Over that period I have raised several billions of pounds for the group most recently closing a new £300m bond issue earlier this week.
Although only 54 I have chosen to retire on December 31st and will have the time to diligently represent the loan holders interest on the BU Board and perhaps bring some of my commercial experience into use if required.