Thursday, 24 November 2022 | News, In Focus

To get a fan’s eye view from the away end at the Etihad as the Bees beat Manchester City we couldn’t do better than one of our own board members. He’s the one without a shirt.  
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Dear reader, I’d just like to apologise in advance for any half naked photos that you might see, that are associated with this writeup of the Manchester City away day on the 12th of November 2022. It shouldn’t have happened, sorry !

Let me introduce ourselves. We are the ‘North West Bees’. Brentford Football Club fans located and living up in Llandudno, Morecambe and the surrounding Chester areas. There are a few of us up here and we generally travel together to Brentford games, home and away.

On this specific away day, we had Peter Chester (Driver .. adorning a fantastic, if I may so myself, Captain Sensible, red beret for the occasion), Trevor Williams, Kev Cripps and myself, Keith Macinnes.

On the day we all met up in Warrington at 09:50am and parked two of our cars up there. Nothing like the 5:30am start for some of our fans, who travelled up on the official club coaches from Brentford ! The joys of living up North, for this particular game.

Brentford away days, tend to have some semblance of routine thrown in. I usually try and wear some lucky socks, but thought better of it on this occasion. My proverbial glass was half empty for today and thought we were going to get well and truly trounced by the mega rich Champions ! Kev always brings his home made beef and pickle sandwiches. His personal journey up the leagues was fuelled on Ham and tomato, but now we are in the Premier League, the filling has changed a tad. When we get into Europe, who knows what he will bring to snack on, for his lunch.

This was my 565th Brentford away game, that I’ve seen us play in.

By the time we had reached Moss Side in Manchester, which was just a 30 minute drive away, we had discussed, debated and thoroughly cogitated the game coming up. Some of us were more positive than others. I might need to try those beef and pickle sandwiches sometime.

Having parked the car up in Manchester and on our walk towards the ground, we came across two friendly faces, waiting to cross the traffic lights. One was as always, very dapper in his attire (Keith Leech) with his compadre, Jim Walsh. Chatted with them on the way and eventually came across a letter box, that I could disperse of my birthday card to my sister.

Got to the ground and purchased a match day badge for the game. Half and half scarves were also available, but for me, they are one step too far and I’d only end up burning one half of it !

This was my second visit to the Etihad and it’s an impressive stadium, but nothing on Tottenham Hotspur’s new ground.

First port of call in the ground, is to find what pies are on offer. I always have the vegetarian option (if they are available) and rate each one out of 10. Only thing for me today, was a cheese and potato pie, which was ok .. but nothing special. It got a resounding 6.5 out of 10 … Best, I’ve had so far, was at Chelsea’s ground and that takes a lot of beating. 9.5 out of 10 for that one.

We take our seats up on second level of the away end and are ready for battle to commence. Thought we were fairing well and giving as good as we were getting. Things were looking good, but anything can happen and didn’t want to get too hopeful. I’m too long in the tooth, for these kind of things !

Come the 2nd half and at 1-1, with 15 minutes left of play, I blurt out that I’m going topless if we win this game .. it’s never going to happen ! There is more chance of me being the next Pope ! On hearing these words of incredulity. Kev turns around and tells these young ladies behind us, what could be happening. They look on aghast and with that look in their eyes which spoke volumes. Please god, I hope that never happens !

I’ve done something like this before. Many, many years ago, I told my brother, if we ever got promoted to the Premier League, I was going to run around Chester naked ! I am a man of my word and he reminded me of what I said, so at 3am on the morning after that Swansea game, I did it .. in the back garden. I didn’t get arrested !

Back to the game in hand and we score. We are 2-1 up at Manchester City !! It’s bedlam and arms and limbs everywhere. Kev and Pete, try to stand up onto their seats and both duly fall off ! Off comes my top and in all honesty, it was quite invigorating !

Good job it wasn’t raining and quite mild. We won .. at Manchester City. A bus stop from Hounslow beat Manchester City. The magnitude of it. I simply can’t believe it. It has to be said, that was by far, the bestest day out and away game ever and in 55 years of supporting this wonderful club.

Got home and watched Match of the Day 5 times !

I promise never to say and do anything so crass and crazy in the future. You have my word

Up the Bees

Keith Macinnes and the NW Bees posse.


