Membership drive bears early fruit

Friday, 29 January 2010 | In Focus

Bees United’s membership is getting closer to the elusive 2,000 mark as a result of the membership drive started with the leaflet handouts and programme insert at the Leeds United game before Christmas.  
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Bees United’s membership is getting closer to the elusive 2,000 mark as a result of the membership drive started with the leaflet handouts and programme insert at the Leeds United game before Christmas.

As of 31 December 2009, there were 1,990 fully paid-up members of the supporters’ trust and the number is still growing.
Just as encouraging is the number of new members and existing members who have opted to pay for their membership or make additional contributions via a standing order. The number of standing orders has risen by over 100 as a result of the leaflets, and the total cumulative figure now stands at over 1,100, although this includes some lapsed members.
“Standing orders to Bees United are important because they are easier for us to administer and the guaranteed regular income helps us plan our activities more effectively,” says Bees United Chairman David Merritt. “They’re better for members too,” he adds. “Their membership is automatically renewed without them having to submit another membership form, but the payments remain entirely within their control to amend or stop should they want to.”
Life memberships have also increased to 55 within the past few months, which also goes to show that the long-term aspirations of Bees United – as well as its effectiveness in taking over control of the Club and entering into a five-year partnership with Matthew Benham – are shared and appreciated by Brentford supporters everywhere.

“With money comes influence and independence, which gives Bees United the freedom to pursue those things, like the partnership with Matthew Benham, that are right for Brentford Football Club,” comments David Merritt. “We have put Brentford supporters at the heart of our Club, and will continue to look after its long-term future.”

