Governance Review

Thursday, 7 April 2005 | In Focus

On behalf of the Bees United Board I would like thank Jon Gosling, John Anderson and Joe Bourke for their work over the past six weeks in carrying out a speedy consultation exercise and preparing a report and recommendations which the Board considered at length during our meeting on 31 March.  
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On behalf of the Bees United Board I would like thank Jon Gosling, John Anderson and Joe Bourke for their work over the past six weeks in carrying out a speedy consultation exercise and preparing a report and recommendations which the Board considered at length during our meeting on 31 March.

A copy of the report, updated to reflect the Board discussion is now available. Click here to download. This has the endorsement of the Board. Recognising that not all of our members have access to email we will issue in the near future a summary to all members together with a postal newsletter.

We now have a suite of policy and governance documents in place including the recommendations from the report. The important point is that we need to implement them and stick to them not only in the letter but also in spirit.

I am therefore asking Jon, John and Joe to continue as a Governance sub-committee of the Bees United Board and to ensure that any issues arising out of the implementation of the recommendations or other aspects of governance are brought to the attention of the board under a standing item on our agendas.

Brian Burgess
Chair, Bees United
