Good Luck Lads

Saturday, 13 May 2006 | In Focus

Sunday's crucial game at Griffin Park is set to be a cracker and, hopefully around 2pm we'll all be one step closer towards our objective to be playing Championship football next season.  
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Sunday's crucial game at Griffin Park is set to be a cracker and, hopefully around 2pm we'll all be one step closer towards our objective to be playing Championship football next season.

Bees United call on all Brentford fans to get 100% behind the team on Sunday and give their full backing to the team from the warm up to the final whistle.

Let's raise the noise levels and give our players the support they deserve.

Stamp, clap, sing, cheer and raise the roof for Brentford.

Bees United would also like to thank all the hard working staff and volunteers that have worked tirelessly over the last few days and weeks with ticket allocations, spending long hours at the club and providing an excellent service to the supporters.

You are a credit to the club. Thank you!

C'mon you Bees!

David Hawes
Board Member
