Do you have your 2010/2011 membership card?

Tuesday, 2 November 2010 | In Focus

Membership cards for the 2010/11 season have now been sent out and should have been received by all members.  
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Membership cards for the 2010/11 season have now been sent out and should have been received by all members.

If you are a member of Bees United and have not received your membership card, please email Bees United. You should also email the Society if your personal details, such as your home or email address, have changed. The Society’s email address is:

Members should also note that the next membership year will start on 1st June 2011. This will coincide with the start of Bees United’s next financial year. Changes were made last year to accommodate voting for the proposed partnership with Matthew Benham in summer 2009. Previously the membership year had run from July–June.
