Chris Hull is our 2,000th member

Thursday, 29 April 2010 | In Focus

Chris Hull has won the prize for becoming Bees United’s 2,000th member.  
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Chris Hull has won the prize for becoming Bees United’s 2,000th member. Chris wins two hospitality packages at the Brentford home match of his choice early next season.

The recent flurry of new memberships have now taken the total Bees United membership up to 2,011 as of 30 April 2010.

chris hull - BU member no. 2000Chris, 44, is from Hounslow. He first started coming to Griffin Park when he was 11, and has experienced the highs and lows of being a Bees fan ever since. He even attended a home match on his wedding day, which may account for why he now says he’s “happily divorced”.

This season Chris – who works at Heathrow for UPS Air Freight – says he’s “really got the bug” and has been to most home and away games. “Southampton away was just mental, and it got better at Leeds,” he says, adding: “Swindon will be a blast.” He says he joined Bees United because he wanted to give something back to the club that has given him so much.

Chris and his guest will enjoy a three-course meal before the game and seats to watch the match near the directors’ box in the Bees United stand. Free programmes and team sheets as well as the chance to win another prize in a football quiz are also part of the package, as are half-time refreshments, the opportunity to vote for (and meet) the man of the match and a pay bar.

If you’ve been meaning to add your weight to Bees United, the organisation that has the Club’s long-term interests at heart – or have been thinking about rejoining – don’t hesitate any longer. Sign up today!

Visit the Bees United website at, where you can use the restored PayPal facility to join and transfer the money immediately by debit or credit card. Alternatively, you can send an email to or call 0845 166 7222. A standing order for as little as £1.25 a month is all that it takes to become an adult member.
