Friday, 26 February 2021 | In Focus

As BU passes the 2,250 member mark, Membership Secretary John Scott reports on his search to reconnect with 'lost' members.  
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Our membership now stands at 2.253 confirmed members, up by over 50 from last month and since the publication and distribution of the 1,889 Limited Edition ‘Bees, Battles, Buckets and Ballot Boxes’ book. It is great to note that we have reconnected with 151, previously “lost” members and 12 new members, who will each receive one of the 500 re-prints, hopefully within the 6 to 8 weeks.

Since last month’s newsletter update, the next phases of the member reconnection project have been initiated that will also support the communication plans for the up-and-coming AGM.I have  initiated a fresh attempt at contacting 526 “lost” members, but via the BU admin mailbox admin@beesunited.org.uk, as opposed to my personal mail address of johnscott935@btinternt.com. By temporarily uploading these “lost” member details, to a separate section of the online system, this has allowed me to send a formal Bees United communication to them. It is early days but early results are encouraging in the number of members who have reconnected with Bees United and will get the newsletter for the first time.

One reconnection phase was a “Post” raised on the GPG https://griffinpark.org/  which helped realise the reconnection of almost a dozen previously “lost” members, so welcome back.

One of the things that is keeping the BU Board busy is the planning for the AGM, which this year will be via the Zoom platform. For every confirmed member, these AGM notices will be sent to their e-mail address. However, for those members, who have never had an e-mail address aligned to their membership record or for those whose e-mail address is “No Longer Valid”, the plan is to physically send them a letter about the AGM and how to register for the event and a request form to reconnect with BU and to provide updated details.

I will also be directing a communication to the 231 members who are receiving this newsletter, for whom we have an e-mail but do not have a postal address. Why not use the “Update your Preferences” link at the foot of this newsletter, or write to me directly, to check your details? Simply put, but no postal address = no reprinted book.

Other phases will include a request to Brentford FC, to include the AGM notification and reconnection project on their website. BFC have been incredibly supportive of previous articles and we thank them very much. The one ongoing phase is the one where we ask ALL our current members for their help in tracking down those members who I have, so far, been unable to reach. Therefore, if you know or even think that your mum, dad, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, neighbour or even the person you sit next to at a home game, was a Bees United member but have not heard from us for some time, then now is the time to ask them to contact us (assuming they still want to be a member). Why not forward our newsletter, it might help?

If you can help us close that gap, it would be very much appreciated.

Bees United can be contacted in several ways.

  1. Go to the Bees United Website and “re-join” via the Join Us page and our membership secretary will review his membership numbered database and try and match your details.
  2. Each member will, at minimum, receive the digital versions of “The Bees, Battles, Buckets and Ballot Boxes” book plus “A Last Season To Remember” .
  3. Use the Bees United mail address admin@beesunited.org.uk to make an enquiry about your membership. I will need your name and address and preferably a contact number. I will then get back to you with my findings.
  4. If you have moved address or changed your e-mail within the last 5 years, you would be wise to include the details in your mail. This will help me identify your old membership number.
  5. Send a mail directly to me at johnscott935@btinternet.com or call me on 07850 753010 and I will help you get reconnected.


Please help us to reconnect with those that have not heard from us for a while and who will enjoy our communications as well as being one of the lucky 500 to get the reprinted’ Bees, Battles, Buckets and Ballot Boxes’ book. When these books have gone, that’s it.
