Board departures

Monday, 15 December 2003 | In Focus

The Bees United Board are sad to have lost the services of two of its members recently  
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The Bees United Board are sad to have lost the services of two of its members recently. Steven Cowan and Edmund Paton Walsh have both resigned from the Bees United Board.

Steven was elected to the Board in 2002 and is pursuing a degree course whilst Edmund, a loan note holder representative on the Board, is standing down for personal family reasons.

Steven was the Party Agent for ABeeC during the historic 2002 Local Elections, while Edmund was a long-standing Committee member of BIAS prior to his joining the Trust Board.

Bees United Chairman, Brian Burgess, placed on record his thanks to Steven and Ed "I would like to take this opportunity of saying a special thank you to Steven and Edmund who are both strong and loyal supporters of the Trust, their efforts have been invaluable. I look forward to their continuing support.

