Bees United Launch On-Line Membership

Thursday, 13 July 2006 | In Focus

Bees United are pleased to inform you that it is now possible to join and also renew your membership of the Supporters Trust on-line using the PayPal payment system, or even simply make a donation.  
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Bees United Launch On-Line Membership

Application Form and Membership Renewal

Bees United are pleased to inform you that it is now possible to join and also renew your membership of the Supporters Trust on-line using the PayPal payment system, or even simply make a donation. All major credit cards are accepted. Simply click on "Join Bees United" on the menu.

This can save you time and postage, however, there is a payment fee of 75p for Adult Membership (£20 for Life Membership) that has to be paid to make use of the PayPal system.

This is part of the work that the Trust is undertaking trying to improve its services to its members. We hope that by making the joining of the Trust as simple and widely available as possible that it will encourage some non members to join up. It will also make it possible for overseas supporters to join and I hope that many will take advantage of this.

Standing Order Payments.

To make a regular standing order donation you will still have to download this application form and you have to send the completed form to me the Secretary at the office at Brentford F. C. the full address being Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 0NT.

If you experience any problems with the system please contact myself and I hope to be able to get things sorted out for you as quickly as possible.

Bruce Powell
