Bees United Board: 2008 Election Results

Saturday, 22 November 2008 | In Focus

Bees United announced at the Trust’s AGM that after an election amongst our members Mark Chapman, Stephen Dando, Andre Sawyer and Mike Rice (in order of election) have been elected to serve on the Bees United Board for three years.  
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Bees United announced at the Trust’s AGM that after an election amongst our members; the following candidates (in order of election) have been elected to serve on the Bees United Board for three years:

Mark Chapman
Stephen Dando
Andre Sawyer
Mike Rice.
The Trust would like to thank all the candidates for standing.

Notification of Result of the Elections:

Number of ballot papers dispatched    1,282
Number of ballot papers received    521
Turnout    40.6%
Number of ballot papers found to be invalid (blank/spoilt)    1
Therefore, number of valid ballot papers to be counted    520

Please note the vote was conducted under the Single Transferable Vote, which is calculated differently from the "first past the the post" system and contains multiple stages in order to determine the winner. After stage one, the voting was as follows:

Candidate Votes
Mark Chapman 223
Stephen Dando  90
Allison Franklin 33
Mike Rice 62
Andre Sawyer 69
Gemma Teale 43

For further details of the Single Transferable Vote system, please visit the link below:
