Bees United announces 2009 board election

Tuesday, 6 October 2009 | In Focus


Bees United members will soon be receiving correspondence relating to this year's round of Society Board elections.

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Bees United members will soon be receiving correspondence relating to this year’s round of Society Board elections.

The closing date for receipt of nominations will be Wednesday 21st October 2009 and the cut off for votes will be Friday 20 November. Please note that a date has not yet been set for the AGM, members will be notified of this date separately in the coming weeks. If any members have "Any Other Business" items for the AGM, these will need to be notified to Bees United by 21 October 2009.

These should be emailed to or posted to:

Bees United
Griffin Park
Braemar Road

The election programme is being managed by the Bees United Election Working Group, which comprises Board members, Paul Stedman and Donald Kerr and has an Independent Chair in Steve Powell, from the Arsenal Supporters Trust. Steve is also a director of Supporters Direct, the umbrella organisation for Supporters’ Trusts.

The Bees United Election Rules can be downloaded here.

It is likely that this year there will be online hustings and a hustings meeting held in mid November, full details of these will be announced nearer the time. There are two places available to the Board this year: one because Natasha Judge’s term on the Board will be expiring through rotation, the second position is to fill an existing vacancy from the previous year. With this year’s round of elections, the Trust Board will return to having a full complement of nine elected members.

The voting process itself will be administered by an independent body, the Electoral Reform Services, using the Single Transferrable Voting System (STV) and successful candidates will be elected for a three-year term. The Board elections are open to any members, aged 18 and over on 12th October 2009.

Because the recent vote on the Matthew Benham partnership was taking place at a time when many memberships were due for renewal, the Bees United Board decided to extend the membership year to include all those who had been members for the 2008/9 season. As a result of this Bees United did not been send out membership renewal letters during the close season.

Any members who have not renewed will also be receiving letters of reminder. In order to participate in these elections members will need to renew for the 2009/10 season.

On a separate matter, because membership renewal letters were not sent out until now, the membership cards have not been processed for the new season. We would expect that all currently paid up members will receive their 2009/10 Bees United membership cards by the end of October.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the Trust’s Administrative Director Paul Stedman
