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Response to open letter from Jon Gosling

Jon Gosling, the Supporter Director nominated by the Bees United Society Board to serve as a non-executive director on the Board of Brentford FC Ltd following an election among members of the Society, has published an open letter to the Bees United Board.
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New Bees United Board

Following the results of the latest election for three places on the Bees United Board we welcome the new members Mark Chapman, Trevor Inns and Natasha Judge and we thank Chris Scott and Ron Cooper, who have now stepped down, for their contributions during their time as board members.
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BU Election Result

Bees United is pleased to announce that following an election amongst our members, MARK CHAPMAN, TREVOR INNS and NATASHA JUDGE have been elected as Bees United Board Members for a period of three years until November 2009.
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Candidates’ Answers

The first set of questions and answers for the electronic hustings for all four candidates in the forthcoming Bees United election are now available.
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On-line Hustings

Bees United are hosting an electronic hustings for all four candidates in the forthcoming Bees United election.
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Bees United Board Election

As all members will be aware that there was a request included in the membership renewal letter for members to offer themselves as candidates to fill three vacancies that have occurred on the Bees United Board over the last few months.
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BU Board extends deadline

Following comments from and discussion with some of the BU members and election candidates the Bees United Board has carefully considered the cut-off date for new members to qualify to vote in the forthcoming election for 3 places on the Bees United Board.
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Fundraising for the new Season

With the new football season fast approaching we have revamped the Fundraising section of the Bees United website so that we can keep you up to date on a monthly basis with the results of the various fundraising initiatives.
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Bees United Launch On-Line Membership

Bees United are pleased to inform you that it is now possible to join and also renew your membership of the Supporters Trust on-line using the PayPal payment system, or even simply make a donation.
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Election to Fill Vacancies on the Trust Board

Elections for places on the board are normally held immediately before the AGM. This year however there are no board members due to retire by rotation at the AGM so the Bees United board has decided to hold an early election as soon as possible to fill the vacancies created...
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