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Bees United Board: 2008 Election Results

Bees United announced at the Trust’s AGM that after an election amongst our members Mark Chapman, Stephen Dando, Andre Sawyer and Mike Rice (in order of election) have been elected to serve on the Bees United Board for three years.
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Bees United 2008 AGM

The eighth Annual General Meeting of the Brentford Football Community Society Limited will take place in St Paul's Parish Centre in Brentford (behind Somerfields) on Saturday 22 November 2008 at 12 noon.
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Bees United: How We Work

A number of members have questioned how Bees United works in practice - what we mean by a "policy", what a member motion is required for and the like. This is only intended to be a high level summary - please feel free to contact the Secretary of Bees United,...
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