Bees United AGM review

Monday, 19 November 2007 | In Focus

The seventh AGM of Bees United took place in St Paul's Parish Centre, St Paul's Road, Brentford on Saturday before the Darlington home game.  
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The seventh AGM of Bees United took place in St Paul's Parish Centre, St Paul's Road, Brentford on Saturday before the Darlington home game.

Approximately 50 members attended with all items proposed on the agenda passed; including the adoption of accounts and amendments to the Society’s rules. Members also ratified the election of Stephen Callen, Donald Kerr and David Merritt to the Bees United board for a three-year term.

With the meeting adjourned the Chair and Bees United board then took questions from the floor.

The Bees United Loan Note holders' meeting convened immediately after the Trust’s AGM decided to adopt a proposal not to elect a new representative and slim down the representation on the Society board from three board members to one, effective from 2008.
