Brighton to Brentford walk update

Monday, 16 April 2007 | In Focus

Co-ordinator of the Brighton to Brentford walk Natasha Judge has issued her latest update.  
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Co-ordinator of the Brighton to Brentford walk Natasha Judge has issued her latest update.

"Many thanks to all those who have so far volunteered to do both the walk itself or assist in other ways.  We still have in the region of seventy walkers as very few have come to their senses and dropped out!  Fair play and lots of luck with the training!

"Those that have volunteered to assist with marshalling, first aid and support driving are:-

"Alan Gilding, Richard Ward, Alan Fowler, John Anderson, David Harrison and several Brentford stewards."

"Once again my thanks to all those involved. I am still looking for suitably qualified first-aiders, physios or medical professionals to assist. Without enough of these the walk will not be able to go ahead. I have one but I need a minimum of one more, but preferably three. I also need a further three co-drivers, ideally these will coincide with the first aid skills!"

"There are some reservations regarding the Gala Dinner to be held on 26th May, anyone who is interested in attending please let me know as soon as possible. The cost will be £60 per head and is likely to be held at a local five star hotel, include a three course meal and be a black tie affair."

Natasha can be contacted on

The notes from the last Brighton to Brentford walk can be downloaded from the link below (this pdf will open in a separate browser window):
