Election to Fill Vacancies on the Trust Board

Monday, 3 July 2006 | In Focus

Elections for places on the board are normally held immediately before the AGM. This year however there are no board members due to retire by rotation at the AGM so the Bees United board has decided to hold an early election as soon as possible to fill the vacancies created by the recent resignation of Rod Gowers, that of Jon Gosling, following his election as the Trusts' representative on the BFC Board of Directors and the fact that Chris Scott has decided, due to pressure of work, to stand down when a replacement has been elected.  
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Elections for places on the board are normally held immediately before the AGM. This year however there are no board members due to retire by rotation at the AGM so the Bees United board has decided to hold an early election as soon as possible to fill the vacancies created by the recent resignation of Rod Gowers, that of Jon Gosling, following his election as the Trusts' representative on the BFC Board of Directors and the fact that Chris Scott has decided, due to pressure of work, to stand down when a replacement has been elected.

Hence there are three vacancies and I am calling for candidates to put themselves forward to stand for election. You may nominate yourself and you can submit an election address of no more than 500 words, which must be addressed to: Bruce Powell, Secretary, Bees United, Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 0NT.

We are conscious that this will coincide with the holiday period but hope you will understand our desire to fill vacancies as quickly as possible.

Nominations must be received by 4th August; all members over the age of 18 are eligible for election. In the event that nominations exceed the number of vacancies (3) there will be a postal ballot of all members of the Trust who are over 18. As no members of the Trust board are due to retire at this year's AGM there will not be another election planned until autumn 2007.

Bruce Powell

Bees United
