Ballot Papers posted

Thursday, 16 September 2004 | In Focus

BALLOT PAPERS HAVE BEEN POSTED to all Bees United members entitled to vote in the forthcoming ballot for an additional Club Director.
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BALLOT PAPERS HAVE BEEN POSTED to all Bees United members entitled to vote in the forthcoming ballot for an additional Club Director.

A total of 1,032 ballot papers have been issued and the intention is that members should have their papers, and the accompanying election addresses by this coming Saturday's "Hustings" at Griffin Park.

If you do not receive a ballot paper and you believe that you are entitled to one please email Bruce Powell (or telephone 0845 166 7222) at the football club who will sort out the problem for you.

The final day for the receipt of ballot papers is Wednesday 29th September 2004.

"Hustings" will be held in Stripes Bar (Braemar Road side the game) after this Saturday's fixture against Port Vale, commencing at 5.45pm, aiming for completion by 7.30pm.

Due to limited space in The Sponsors' Lounge, supporters are urged to arrive early to avoid disappointment.
