Privacy Notice

1       Private Notice (for publication)

Brentford Football Community Society Limited, which is also known as the Brentford Football Club Supporters Trust and trades as Bees United, endeavours to treat personal and confidential organisational information with care and respect. To reflect this we are committed to upholding the statements below.

1.1      What do we use information for?

We use the information that we collect for a number of purposes, specifically to:

  • Keep members updated about the activities of Bees United
  • Update members in relation to their membership
  • Maintain an email list for communicating with consenting subscribers
  • Managing the Society and it’s events in a compliant manner
  • Sending and delivering occasional printed materials or other gifts


We collect only the personal information required to provide the purposes listed above. This includes:

  • Name
  • Postal Address
  • Email address(es)
  • Telephone phone number(s)


Where we collect personal information, we do so on the basis that:

  • the individual has specifically consented
  • an individual has or is entering into a contract with us


Where we do seek to collect personal information through our website, we will be up-front, clear and open about this. We will make it evident when we are collecting personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.

When you provide personal information, we will enter and store it in our database and use it to deliver the purposes listed above.

1.2    Your rights

Your personal information is owned by you. If you have any questions or issues with the way in which we are using your data, you have the following rights:

  • You can ask to see what data we hold on you (right of access)
  • You can ask for information to be corrected
  • You can ask to receive a copy of the data we hold on you (right to portability)
  • You can ask us to delete any information we have about you (right to be forgotten)
  • You can object to the way in which we use your information
  • You can complain to the supervisory authority, the Information Commissioners Office (See ICO Site)


If you wish to use any of these rights, then you can do so by emailing or at our contact address (below)

1.3    Retention and data storage

When we store data, reasonable measures are taken to protect personal information from access by unauthorised persons.

This information will be stored, archived and secured in Cloud-based storage solution with limited access controls in place and in an email management solution database.  No data is stored or transferred outside of the UK.

In order to maintain the accuracy and relevancy of information, we perform checks every 6 months and this may include making contact with the subjects of the data to check details.

When we do store information, we keep it for the following periods:

  • Information relating to Society membership is retained for a maximum of 1 year following termination of being a member
  • Correspondence not relating to a contract will be retained for 1 year following its creation.
  • Records and documents relating to contracts and insurance policies will be retained for 7 years after the end of the contract or policy.

Other Information will be kept for periods as defined in our retention policies which can be provided on request.

1.4    Where else does data go?

As a principle we do not share any of the personal information that we hold other than in the interest of the data subject. Therefore, in the course of providing member services, some data does get transferred outside of Bees United:

  • To process payments the relevant information will be passed to our Bank or Payment Providers
  • To share membership information with Brentford FC


Where we do collect personal information, this will be stored on our cloud-based storage solution and our email management solution.

1.5    Contact Details

If you need more information, contact the Data Controller Representative on

Bees United is a data controller and can be contacted at:

6th Floor,
27 Great West Road,

2     Document Control

Key Details   
Doc Ref. Document1 Date 5/26/21
Title Privacy Notice Owner Bees United Chair
Status DRAFT 0.1 Audience Directors, volunteers, suppliers
Purpose Public statement of how personal data is processed Tags Personal, data, protection, privacy


Version History
Version Date Author Details
D01 25/5/2019 Russell Cosway Initial Draft
D02 17/6/2019 Russell Cosway Refinements to cover new understanding
V01 10/9/2019 Russell Cosway First version release
V02 1/7/2021 Russell Cosway Amendments to explain company structure, postal address processing, retention and storage
Name Role Job title Contact Details
Stewart Purvis Approver Chair
John Scott Responsible Information Director